Centre Philosophy

“It Takes A Village To Raise A Child”

Our village values cultural traditions of our families and of our educators and we share those traditions daily with our community as a whole

We employ strategies such as exposing children to a wide variety of education opportunities that encourage self-expression communication, logical thinking and problem solving.  We value children as strong, capable and resilient, and inspire confidence and a sense of belonging.

Our pedagogy is child centred it encourages and nurtures diversity, effective communication and the promotion of acceptance, respect and responsibility.  Strong relationships with children and families are our main focus and we believe that children benefit in being equal partners with parents and teachers in the learning process.

Our community trusts that by creating warm, real, homely, interesting and challenging environments for children we can directly teach valuable life skills without interrupting individual exploration and learning.  Curiosity is promoted and we encourage each child to develop life long values and behaviours to live sustainably and in harmony with nature and each other.

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